Cleans food contact surfaces and equipment in various establishments including restaurants, bars, daycare centers, gyms, assisted-living facilities, and schools. Effective against CA-MRSA, Escherichia coli, HIV-1 (Aids Virus), Listeria monocytogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus.
ECONOMICAL HOUSEHOLD/KITCHEN SANITIZER : Commercial strength but also makes a great economical household sanitizer! Ideal 3rd sink sanitizing rinse for glassware, dishes, utensils, For food and non-food contact surfaces, Test with QT-10 Test Paper
Premeasured and EASY TO USE. Use 1 tablet per 1 gallon of water. Visible results—turns water blue. Economical—super concentrated. One bottle makes 150 gallons of cleaning solution. Used by the Bar & Restaurant Industry Worldwide
KILL BACTERIA AND GERMS : Tested under strict testing protocols, STERAMINE 1-G TABLETS is the first sanitizing product to be accepted and registered as being effective in killing infectious bacteria and HIV-1 (AIDS Virus)
CONCENTRATED SANITIZER TABLETS - Steramine 1-G Quaternary Tablets Multi-Purpose Sanitizer, 150 tablets per bottle, Pack of 3 Bottles